Monthly Archives: September 2016

Blog for 9-7-16

After reading The Shallows, I have become so much more aware of the effects the internet has had on my mind, and I do not like it.

I have found myself to not be able to focus on something, especially with a book. I want to focus, but, it just doesn’t happen.

I also think that our minds are getting ruined just because everything is so instant now, we don’t have to work for anything that we get, which is not good.

Blog for 8-29-16

“The life of the mind is the mind at play.

I really liked that quote that we heard on the first day of class. It sums up the mindset that everyone should have. We should not be bashful to change what we have been told if we think they are not good. The mind isn’t meant to stand in the same place for all of time. We need to challenge ourselves and push ourselves further.